About Me
My name is Gardyan Priangga Akbar. I am currently a student at Binus University International. I am majoring in Computer Science and having my sights on game development for my streaming.
I have always enjoyed playing games as a child. My first game was a real-time strategy game (though I do not remember its name). It has the mechanics of town building and unit recruitment and control, much like Age of Empires. I was 5 or 6 at the time. I continued to enjoy playing games ever since, moving over to other genres such as RPG, FPS, Racing, and many more.
Playing games brought me to the realm of Computer Science. The game “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” peaked my interest into the realm of coding. Skyrim is an RPG game developed by Bethesda that has a unique feature: the ability to mod with ease. I became interested in editing the game files and seeing the game under the hood. Joining the modding community and exploring on my own gives me a glimpse on the inner-workings of a game. The game engine uses the programming language Papyrus, but I did learn to code using that language.
Instead, my first coding experience was with PHP. I was at grade 6 at the time and wasn’t able to fully grasp the concept and logic of programming. It took me 4 years later to finally understand “for” loops with C++! I continued on learning about Java in high school, and then Python in university.
Along the way on my journey in programming, I have done several projects, both big and small, alongside creating several minor utility apps for myself ( You can view some of my projects in the “Projects” tab). Even though these were done mostly in Java, they have enriched me with experience in programming as a whole. It allowed me to transfer my knowledge and experience into another programming language with better ease.
Although I have made several steps, I still have a thousand miles in my journey. I continue to learn and explore the realm of Computer Science and game development. And you can be sure I will be having fun doing it!